A Beautiful View of Rawalakot city.
Rawalakot ( راولا کوٹ ) is a city in Azad kashmir, and is the capital of Poonch District (AJK).It is in a Saucer-shaped valley.The altitude of this beautiful saucer-shaped valley is 1615 meters(5300ft).It is 70 kilometres (47 miles) from Kohala and 35 kilometrs (23 miles) from Azad patan.It is also linked with Rawalpindi/Islamabad via Azad Pattan and Tain Dhalkot and with Muzaffarabad via Kohala and Sudhangali by asphalt roads. Surrounding villages include Dahmni, Anyari, Paraat, singola, Pothi Bala/Makwalan, Kharek, Topa Soon aka Soon Topa or just Topa, Kaimon, Titrot,Thorar, Motialmara, Tranni, Hussainkot, Banjosa, Trar Dewan, Dreak, Chare, Chuck, Hurnamaira, Rehara, Tain, and Pachiot. Bagh District lies to the north and Sudhnuti District lies to the south of Rawalakot. It shares borders with occupied Kashmir in the east and is bounded to Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Muree Pakistan in the west. (From the end of the 17th century to 1837, Poonch/Rawalakot was ruled by the Muslim Rajas of Loran. It then fell into the hands of Raja Faiz Talab Khan of Rahuri. In 1846 after the Treaty of Amritsar, it was handed over to Mahrajah Gulab Singh. He handed over Poonch and some other areas to his nephews, Jawahar Singh and Moti Singh with some legal stipulations. Poonch was annexed and converted into a Jagir by Mahrajah Hari Singh in 1935-36 by deposing the Raja of Poonch. The Dogras always found it difficult to rule in Poonch. In 1947, the people of Poonch & Rawalakot started an armed struggle against the Dogra and Indian forces.) The road passing through (Jalooth) Paniola connects Rawalakot to Arja, Bagh And Muzaffarabad. Estimated population of the town is 50,000.
During summer the place becomes full of green grass and beautiful flowers including many varieties of roses and other mixed species of wildflowers.In the winter snow falls start during the month of December and last through feburary.
Rawalakot is one of the Most beautiful valley of Azad Kashmir, located approximately 80 kilometers from Rawalpindi and Islamabad via Kahutta, Azad Patan, Guoien Nalla, road. Being three and a half hour drive from Islamabad to Rawalakot, as the roads are narrow, mostly single lane and always under some type of construction. Rawalakot is also known locally as the "Pearl Valley".

Mape of Rawalakot District Poonch.

Rawalakot has an Airport which has not functioned since 2000 due to lack of demand for air travel by local population and the indifference of the Government of Pakistan. This Airport is situated near Chuck Bazar approximatively 1 kilometre from Chare and approximately 3 KM from Rawalakot Main City. The Shaeed Galla /Toli peer and Banjosa lake are very famous places in Rawalakot District, These are 20km and 40 kilo meters from Rawalakot and beautiful natural scenes and forest.
Banjosa Lake
Banjosa Lake Rawalakot Azad Kashmir
Banjosa is Situated 20 kilometers from Rawalakot, at an altitude of 1981 meters. Its scenic beauty and impressive surrounding is compelling and attracts tourists to reach here to enjoy the nature for a possible comeback. Amidst the captivating beauty of Banjosa the artificial lake reflects the dense forest standing along the surrounding of the resting calm waters of Banjosa lake.The nearby worth seeing areas of Banjosa are Jandali, Hussain kot and Devi gali which can't be simply bypassed for a pleasure trip. The distance parting the destinations from Banjosa are 3 km, 4kms and 12 km respectively. These places portray rich inherent natural beauty encompassing all others while awaiting visitors for a comfortable stay.
Tolipeer is a hill station in Rawalakot, a hilltop 40 kilo meters from Rawalakot, It is located at the drive of 45 minute from Rawalakot city. Abbaspur, Bagh and Poonch River can be viewed from Tolipeer.
Tolipir is the highest mountainous location and the most attractive point in the north-eastern area of Rawalakot. Tolipir offers outback time on wide spread grassy fields and aspiring views as it is the origin point of three different mountainous ridges. The tourism rest-house on the way to tolipir is also located on a very scenic location. There are some old remains of a Mazaar at the highest top of Tolipir. Weather is pleasant in summer.
Tolipir is the highest mountainous location and the most attractive point in the north-eastern area of Rawalakot. Tolipir offers outback time on wide spread grassy fields and aspiring views as it is the origin point of three different mountainous ridges. The tourism rest-house on the way to tolipir is also located on a very scenic location. There are some old remains of a Mazaar at the highest top of Tolipir. Weather is pleasant in summer.
Tolipeer in pictures

1- Two privately owned Cable Television systems are available in Rawalakot, which transmits Pakistani and international television programs.
2- A local FM radio station has been established and broadcasts at FM 105.8 .
3- Cell phone service is available through five private Cell Phone Operators Paktel, Mobilink, Ufone, Warid, Telenor, Scom, PTCLWireless also available.
4- The local phone company is operated by pakistan army by the name of Scom.
5- Construction of Guoien Nalla road between Rawalakot and Azad Pattan has considerably reduced the distance travel time between Rawalakot Islamabd/rawalpindi.
Publications and Literary Activities
Local periodical by the name of Dharti(edited by Abid Siddique) is published monthly. Many authors as well as poets have been produced in the valley of Rawalakot. Internationally recognized magazine Mearaj International is well circulated in Rawalakot published from Kashmir, Pakistan & UK Daily news papers from pakistan are available in English as well as urdu.Most read newspaper is the Jang and the most listened to Radio Station is BBC london and Vice of Kashmir FM 105 Rawalakot.
In addition to The Agriculture University Azad Kashmir, Rawalakot has a Government College for men and for women, and polytechnic college, numerous higher Secondary schools/High Schools and a number of private schools.
Hotels and Rest Houses
Small hotels with living accommodations are available in and around the city. Government owned cabins are available in Rawalakot and Bunjosa Advance reservations are recommended as most of these accommodations are used by Government Officials on their tours.
Rawalakot has no theatres, however the university does have some sorts of cultural events.
Average temperature during the summer varies from 60 °F (16 °C) to 75 °F (24 °C). During the winter snow falls start during the month of December and last through January. Rainy season starts from April through June.
Rawalakot has a down town which consists of shops selling everything from groceries to electronic goods.
Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
There are very few active non governmental organizations working in Rawalakot. Press For Peace (PFP) very active local NGO. PFP was established by Khawaja Zafar Iqbal a famous journalist and peace activist from Trar village of Rawalakot. However,PFP headquarters is based in Muzaffarabad, while it has extended its network across Kashmir and abroad.
Click here for Press for peace Official web site
Click here for Press for peace Official web site
Naya Ouffaq: Is a Jammu Kashmir based non-profit organization that was founded by Mrs Night Arshad an ardent and enthusiastic sociologist in April 2010.Naya Ouffaq is the leading national organisation working with the different sectors.The purpose is to ensure a Healthy environment by giving education, providing social awareness by empowering women and community development.
Naya Ouffaq is working in the following sectors, which are;
Rawalakot in Videos
Salam Najmi Bhai,
Today I cam acoss your blog www.apnarawalakot.blogspot.com. I am really happy to see it. Its really very nice and very much informative. Your work for the homeland is really very admireable.
Wish you all the very best.
Take Care
Dear Najmi Bahi,
Today i visited your blog.I really impressed your work about rawalakot,i appreciate u and hope that you will carry on.
Wish u all the Best.
Najam.Mohri Furman Shah
Hi, this is a nice site. Can u plz tell me how can i reach rawla kot from Mirpur and whts the condition of road from mirpur to rawlakot. Awaiting your reply
By road Every one can reach Rawalakot city From Mirpur (A.K) via District Kotli,Baloch,Trarkhal,Banjosa and Khaigala.
The condition of roads are better.
Dear Najmi Bahi,
From:Madina Munawra Saudi Arabia (Yanbu)
I visited your blog "Apnarawlakot"
you are doing good job to introduce rawlakot to world through Internet
Please carry on.Rally it is serve of your Country & nation.
Thanks ,
Sardar Maqbool Hussain
Gala Kanatta (Balouch)
Azad Kashmir
i justed visited you site.. I am also from Rawalakot Housing Scheme.. I love your website.. Carry on with your good deeds.
Nasir Azam LONDON
Ahsan Javed LONDON
This is very good effort to highlight Rawalakot accross the world.The moderator deserves huge appreciatoin.
zafar iqbal
I visit this great website .This is a great effort by Apna Rawalakot team.well done & keep it up & add some pictures of Mandhole.
wish u best of luck
Raza Hussain Shah
Dear Developers this is a very informative web site. so much impresssive touch. i visted this site From UAE,I feel i m at my Native area, keep it improve more.
Muhammad Israr.
I have to pay the compliments of thanks for sharing useful information about Rawlakot.
I was making a plan to pay visit Banjosa Lake and your Blog gave me details about the route and also a map.
Thanks Again
Regards & Love
thanks najmi 4 making apna rawalakot.im really happy to see it, and i expect more.ur the person who really loves the rawalakot.only grate pople can do like this.very enjoyable.> best of luck.
sardar imtiaz
Beautiful city of azad kashmir
slam 2 all
nice video i like yeah real beauty on earth.how we FM 105 ad on own site any body tell me i liked fm 105 and kashmir
Salaam To All
Any one from Motialmara Rawalakot kindly please contact me at mahmoodhashmi@hotmail.com
Assalamoalaikum ..this is a very good website.can you plz tell me how can i reach Rawalakot from Abbottabad..should i go through Muzaffarabad ,Murree or Islamabad .n by which transport should i go
This is a very good website. its help for visitors kindly visits
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Rawalkot (Poonch) Introduction
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